In front of the Frankfurt stock exchange
Questions to share pro Oliver Roth
In the world financial capital, New York
Katja Dofel

Media Training

Katja Dofel

Media Training

Media training for on-camera interviews

When TV broadcasters are seeking an interview correspondent for economic and stock market-related issues, the demands are high. The interviewee must be able to explain complex topics simply and clearly. They need to summarize the most important information right to the point. And they have to look good and speak clearly. Anyone wanting to understand journalists clearly in order to give the best possible interviews will learn exactly what journalists want, how they view their interview subjects, and how they should interact with their interview partners at This essential background knowledge is also used by interview subjects.

The same goes for appearances at panel discussions and other events – even when there are no cameras. But many interviewees and speakers are anything but confident without special preparation. This detracts from their „halo“ of expertise, as well as from their interview and broadcast quality. There’s no doubt that media training makes interviewees substantially better.

Professional preparation

When a TV interviewee fails to fulfill particular moving-image requirements, thus damaging the quality of the interview and broadcast, the editorial staff has to look for other speakers for the future. If you, dear reader of this site, want to become or remain an interview subject who is sought after by journalists, you’d best train for TV and other appearances regularly. With media/interview training by Katja Dofel, you’ll get honest, qualified feedback, refresh your communication knowledge, and avoid mistakes. She is available to train you in German or English, whichever you prefer.

In practical terms, media training with Katja Dofel focuses on the needs of journalists, how you can formulate your knowledge in an understandable, descriptive, and goal-oriented way, what role your inner attitude plays in interviews, how and why journalists ask the questions they do, which body language and para-verbal behavior you should be aware of as an interviewee, and which clothing considerations are particularly important in moving-image formats.

Practical tips for better interviews

If you invest in media training for TV/video interviews with Katja Dofel, you’ll profit form a sparring partner who knows exactly what’s important. After more than 20 years of stock market TV experience at ntv, and more than 4000 TV interviews with finance market analysts, financial product experts, fund managers, board members of listed companies, and economists, she has experienced every mistake an interviewee can possibly make. And from her daily work she knows exactly how to help you avoid these mistakes.

Katja Dofel aims to train interview subjects who can successfully navigate journalistic interviews and make them interesting both for journalists and the audience. Because when viewers lose interest, neither the journalist nor their interviewee has done their job.
For some training sessions, Katja Dofel works with her husband, speaking coach, and „backroom interviewer“ Mario Müller-Dofel. He also runs the German-speaking world’s most comprehensive knowledge portal on conducting journalistic interviews: Here interviewees can find insider knowledge about what journalists expect of them, and how interviewers should interact with them. And journalists can learn how quality interviews work. Take a look inside!

Media training motivates

When you engage Katja Dofel as a media trainer, not only do you get practical advice and tips for interviews and other speaking appearances, you have fun doing it! Her participants affirm over and over that this effective mixture of knowledge and motivation is a hallmark of her media training method.

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