On the gallery in the trading room of the German stock exchange

In action on the trading floor

Satisfied after a successful performance

Katja Dofel

Financial Market Lectures

Katja Dofel

Financial Market Lectures

Financial market lectures: imparting knowledge

Studies investigating financial literacy in Germany routinely come to the same conclusion: the deficits are enormous. A representative survey done by Postbank even showed that a quarter of German citizens prefer to avoid discussing financial issues entirely, and almost as many do so reluctantly. In fact, the number of equity investors in Germany (directly or via investment funds) varies between only 13 and 15 percent of the total population. Considering the financial risks for many private households, especially among older people, a lack of financial literacy can be catastrophic.

Stimulating interest in the markets

Improving financial literacy among a wide audience, and getting people interested in the financial markets and investing – this is the motivation that drives Katja Dofel every day. And so, apart from her work in front of the ntv cameras at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, she also makes appearances as a guest lecturer. For example, she speaks about the financial markets at client and employee events for banks and other financial service providers. In these she explains why the stock and bond markets rise and fall, how price developments can be classified historically, and what opportunities and risks may arise for investors as a result. She can present in German or English, as requested.

And she doesn’t advertise certain financial products or strategies, but only one: capital market investments as an integral component of a diversified private retirement plan.

Known and liked by the public

Present Katja Dofel to your clients and employees as an icon of German stock market reporting. Hundreds of thousands of people in the German-speaking world with an interest in capital markets recognize her, thanks to her more than 20 years of presence on television. In 2008 a reader survey called „Germany Seeks a Stock-Market Star,“ conducted by the magazine Börse Online, chose her as the most popular stock market reporter in Germany. This was the only survey of its kind nationwide.

Week after week, letters from viewers pour in, showing the public’s fondness for her. The senders attest to what her lecture audiences find so appealing: her objective, lucid, and friendly appearances.

If you’d like to be inspired by Katja Dofel’s financial market presentations, here are a few topics she has addressed in the past:

  • Stocks and retirement planning – are they compatible?
  • Do the markets move the economy, or vice versa?
  • New highs or a crash – what will be next for the stock markets?
  • Politics and markets – do political stock exchanges have „short legs“?
  • Media and the stock market – who or what will be on TV?
  • Global economy and politics – the effects on Europe

Katja Dofel will work with you to find the right theme for your event, and she’ll even help formulate the perfect title.

Live on your stage

Book Katja Dofel for a financial market presentation at your client or employee event, and you’ll stir up interest not only in your event, but also in investment and retirement-planning issues. Feedback from businesses after their events leave no doubt: she contributes substantially to their success.

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